Small Business Invoice Software
MS Access Billing and Invoice App for Small Restaurants and Bars
A Microsoft Access billing program that is suitable for small to medium restaurants and bars with well-organized tools.
1. Administrators Tap:
a. Managing users (Adding, Removing, Editing and more.)
b. Managing security and privileges among users.
c. Setting of local currency, Service Charges and Discounts.
2. Inventory
Where you can specify what items are available for sales. Editing prices, discounts and taxes easily to be available during sales.
3. Setting Orders
Each day has a separate session with its own sales report. So, the users can open a new session upon the start of their working days, continuing an existing session at any time after opening till they closes the session at the end of his working hours. A sales report will transferred then to the Reports section for auditing and filing.
4. Categories
Four different categories are available for editing in which each has (24) items for easy access.
5. Reports
Show the total sales in details for a specific period.
6. Profile
Each user has his own profile where passwords and other personal data are kept for editing.
Small Business Invoice Software
Reviewed by ABU_NOOR
7:40 AM